The New Normal Man

Posted on | Manhood

When Act Like a Man was birthed more than five years ago, we wanted to redeem manhood. As a pastor of a young church with a lot of young and single man, I was burdened to see so many men growing up without an image of a father.

Because of the problem of fatherlessness, more and more men remain boys. Without a proper model of manhood, the church should do its role in redeeming what it means to be a man.

We need a new normal.

This is my first manhood blog for the year – this is again a call to bring strength and courage back to men. In the last five years, I and my team have organically visited churches, schools, and businesses sharing to them the power of manhood. If man could embrace their role and find their blueprint – things would be different.

It’s time we hear men of the house saying again, ” As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!” (Joshua 24:15)

It’s time we see men raise up a standard of purity and holiness treating women with dignity and respect.

It’s time we see men go back and excel in the workplace and earn for the family by managing their finances well.

It’s time we see men read their Bible again and pray for a turn around in their situation.

We are giving the culture we live in today a new picture of manhood. Through the books we have published, Act Like a Man and Five Things a Man Should Build, we have seen tens of thousands equipped with the biblical tools for manhood. This year, we want to take biblical manhood to a whole new level.

So let’s get this on!


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